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Wheel Clocking In Roulette - Does It Work?

Wheel Clocking In Roulette - Does It Work?

A term that sometimes surfaces in the conversation of roulette and potential strategies or cheats is "wheel clocking". This article delves into the depths of this concept, demystifying the practice, its application, and its legitimacy. 

What Is Wheel Clocking In Roulette?

Wheel clocking is a practice involving the observation of a roulette wheel and the documentation of various spin outcomes in one's mind. This documented information is then utilised with the aim of identifying patterns or potential biases on the wheel. 

The underlying premise of wheel clocking suggests that over time, due to wear and tear, certain sectors of the roulette wheel might become unbalanced, potentially leading to frequent ball landings in these areas. 

However, the practice can be complex, given the numerous variables involved, including the number of spins, ball velocity, and the precise point of ball release. Bets are then placed on the numbers or sections where the perceived bias exists in the belief of higher winning chances. 

Does Wheel Clocking Work?

The efficacy of wheel clocking is a topic of hot debate. While it is true that with time, specific areas on the roulette wheel might wear out more than others, this wear is seldom substantial enough to cause a noticeable bias in the outcomes. 

Modern roulette wheels are meticulously maintained to ensure balance, making the possibility of identifying a significant bias quite rare. Furthermore, even if a bias were to exist, it's unlikely to remain consistent long enough for players to exploit it. Casinos, particularly in the UK, frequently maintain and replace their roulette wheels, ensuring quick rectification of any possible issues. 

Visual Wheel Clocking

Visual wheel clocking is a manual process involving observing the roulette wheel and mentally recording the outcomes of the spins. It is considered more traditional and is subject to human error, given the mental strain of tracking multiple variables over an extended period. 

Electronic Wheel Clocking

In contrast, electronic wheel clocking leverages electronic devices such as computers or smartphones to record spin outcomes. The data is then analysed using specialised software or applications to identify any patterns or biases. This method is proposed to be more efficient and accurate than visual wheel clocking, although its practical application is questionable, as using any sort of device to try to exploit a casino game is considered illegal. 

Is Wheel Clocking Legal?

The legality of wheel clocking is rather complex and depends heavily on the method applied. Visual wheel clocking, which involves mere observation of the spins, is typically not considered illegal, as the casino cannot prohibit you from observing the game. 

However, the use of electronic devices to record spin outcomes is considered attempted cheating and falls into the same category as card marking or stealing chips. Therefore, it is illegal in casinos. 

Most casinos have policies that forbid players from externally documenting the outcomes of the spins, whether done manually or electronically. Although there is no proof that wheel clocking works, using a device of some sort in order to try to gain an edge is seen as attempted cheating, which goes against the terms and conditions of most casinos and can be illegal in some cases. 


In conclusion, wheel clocking is a practice that is surrounded by controversy and legality issues. While it may seem like a promising strategy to gain an edge in roulette, the reality is that modern roulette wheels are well-balanced and maintained, making it highly unlikely to find any significant bias. 

Moreover, casinos are stringent on maintaining their equipment. So, even if a bias were to be discovered, the casino would fix or replace the wheel before it could be exploited at all. Not to mention, the house edge remains unaltered and in place. Therefore, it is advised to approach roulette as a game of chance, where outcomes are random. 

Always gamble responsibly and avoid chasing your losses.